Beauty Disasters Solved {Product Review}
I’m about to admit something that I don’t really like to admit. Well, I did admit it on twitter once, and many of my tweeps empathized with me, so here it goes…
I hate my armpits. I am ashamed of my armpits.
I was at Hispanicize in April, and I went into a beauty suite, and Dove was there with many of their fab products. One of them is their Dove Clear Tone Deodorant. For many Hispanic women, our armpit/underarm is darker and not all nice and even toned. Major bummer, and it leads to armpit envy. For instance, I was watching the Katy Perry movie in 3D, and I was thinking…
She has nice armpits.
What is wrong with me?! But it is a subject many women are uncomfortable about. And it’s not even an issue of hygiene; it’s genetics. At Hispanicize, Dove was doing piti-cures to show you how to properly exfoliate your underarm area + use their Dove Clear Tone Deodorant to help get a more even skin tone in that area. I refused to participate because I hate my armpits. I will not show them. I begged the rep to please give me a sample of the deodorant, but please do not make me do the piti-cure session.
She obliged, I was happy!
But, I have been using Dove Clear Tone Deodorant since April, and I have seen improvement. Not like 100%, I am gonna fling arms in the air like I just don’t care kind of improvement, but enough to make me believe that with continued use it’ll keep getting better. The scents are lovely, they’re affordable. Fab.
Besides deodorant, there are other beauty disasters that I’ve been through lately that I have 3 quick, cheap tips/products that will help you out.
1.) This is probably totally obvious, but nothing dries out an incoming monster of a pimple better than toothpaste. Put a dab on the blemish and it’s gone over night. And on the same topic of blemishes/acne, I also suffer from acne scarring/hyperpigmentation on my face. I’ve been using a moisturizer with SPF in it under my makeup because sun damage can make scars appear quicker/darker, and it’s a great way to remember to protect your face from sun damage daily. Because I have oily skin (I am a hot mess, aren’t I?) I put on the moisturizer, let it sit on my face for about 5-10 minutes as I do my eye makeup before applying foundation. This way I am protected, non-shiny and my makeup lasts longer because it has the moisturizer under it to help it “stick”.
2.) Dove Nourishing Curls Whipped Cream Mousse: This product helps me from looking like I just got electrocuted when I wear my curls au-naturale. I have very frizzy, curly hair, and this product makes my curl look shiny, bouncy and frizz free. A little goes a long way.
3.) Whenever my pores look huge (around my nose/cheeks) grab an ice cube, rub over the pores and wait about 1-2 minutes before dusting with face powder. The ice helps close the pores temporarily, so overall their appearance is reduced for a bit. It seems weird, but it totally works.
I’ll be back with 3 more beauty tips next week, but I’ll also be back with some tutorials on removing wallpaper + repairing the damage to drywall that can result from it. If you have wallpaper in your home, you won’t want to miss it!
I was compensated for this post as a member of Clever Girls Collective. All the opinions expressed here are my own.