Showing posts with label hispanicize. Show all posts

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Beauty Disasters Solved {Product Review}

I’m about to admit something that I don’t really like to admit. Well, I did admit it on twitter once, and many of my tweeps empathized with me, so here it goes…

I hate my armpits. I am ashamed of my armpits.

I was at Hispanicize in April, and I went into a beauty suite, and Dove was there with many of their fab products. One of them is their Dove Clear Tone Deodorant. For many Hispanic women, our armpit/underarm is darker and not all nice and even toned. Major bummer, and it leads to armpit envy. For instance, I was watching the Katy Perry movie in 3D, and I was thinking…

She has nice armpits.

What is wrong with me?! But it is a subject many women are uncomfortable about. And it’s not even an issue of hygiene; it’s genetics. At Hispanicize, Dove was doing piti-cures to show you how to properly exfoliate your underarm area + use their Dove Clear Tone Deodorant to help get a more even skin tone in that area. I refused to participate because I hate my armpits. I will not show them. I begged the rep to please give me a sample of the deodorant, but please do not make me do the piti-cure session.

She obliged, I was happy!


But, I have been using Dove Clear Tone Deodorant since April, and I have seen improvement. Not like 100%, I am gonna fling arms in the air like I just don’t care kind of improvement, but enough to make me believe that with continued use it’ll keep getting better. The scents are lovely, they’re affordable. Fab.

Besides deodorant, there are other beauty disasters that I’ve been through lately that I have 3 quick, cheap tips/products that will help you out.

1.) This is probably totally obvious, but nothing dries out an incoming monster of a pimple better than toothpaste. Put a dab on the blemish and it’s gone over night. And on the same topic of blemishes/acne, I also suffer from acne scarring/hyperpigmentation on my face. I’ve been using a moisturizer with SPF in it under my makeup because sun damage can make scars appear quicker/darker, and it’s a great way to remember to protect your face from sun damage daily. Because I have oily skin (I am a hot mess, aren’t I?) I put on the moisturizer, let it sit on my face for about 5-10 minutes as I do my eye makeup before applying foundation. This way I am protected, non-shiny and my makeup lasts longer because it has the moisturizer under it to help it “stick”.


2.) Dove Nourishing Curls Whipped Cream Mousse: This product helps me from looking like I just got electrocuted when I wear my curls au-naturale. I have very frizzy, curly hair, and this product makes my curl look shiny, bouncy and frizz free. A little goes a long way.

3.) Whenever my pores look huge (around my nose/cheeks) grab an ice cube, rub over the pores and wait about 1-2 minutes before dusting with face powder. The ice helps close the pores temporarily, so overall their appearance is reduced for a bit. It seems weird, but it totally works.

I’ll be back with 3 more beauty tips next week, but I’ll also be back with some tutorials on removing wallpaper + repairing the damage to drywall that can result from it. If you have wallpaper in your home, you won’t want to miss it!

I was compensated for this post as a member of Clever Girls Collective. All the opinions expressed here are my own.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How to Pitch a Brand {Blogging 101 #hispz12}

I’ll preface this blog post by stating that I have never really pitched a brand for anything major. There have been the less-than-a-handful of times where I’ve approached a brand and said, “I love your product, would love to try it out and write about it, what do you think?” type of e-mails, but they’ve been for really low priced items. I’ve generally offered to write about the product (if I like it) and promote my post via Twitter. It’s been nothing super major though.

Like a $15 pair of slip-ons for shoes that make it easier to workout on carpet.

Speaking of which… I need to write that review on the $15 slip-ons that make it easier to workout on carpet. And that low calorie booze a lovely company sent me. And that stripe painting tool.

Duly noted. I need a week off just to blog.


While at Hispanicize 2012 in Miami, I attended a fabulous session led by Cristina Alfaro from McDonald’s and Jennifer Stansfield of VPE PR. I learned so much at the session, and when I have actual time available to write up a pitch, I will follow their advice.


Here are my top takeaways from their session:

Put it on paper {get your facts straight}: Be brief, smart and to the point!

-Audience Reach

-Twitter Followers

-FB Likes

Outline how you’ll benefit the brand: What’s in it for you AND them? It’s a 2-way street

-When thinking of ways you’ll benefit a brand, think outside the box. They’ve seen and heard it all. What can you do differently or better?

-Be creative, be true to yourself/blog.

-Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Keep it real.

Key things to include in a pitch/proposal: Be informative without rambling

-Background on your blog

-Objective: What do you want to accomplish by partnering with the brand?

-Creative concept…so important!

Don’t beat around the bush: Money talks and it should talk within the pitch

-It may feel awkward to include money in a proposal, but include what/how much compensation you expect

-Be open to negotiations about compensation and be realistic about how much to be paid

-Factor in how long the project will last, how much work you’ll do, etc.

Some other items Cristina and Jennifer talked about were the importance of keeping a proposal 1-2 pages max and making sure your pitch is professional. Don’t just write a company and say, “Hey I need airfare for BlogHer!” You need to come to the table ready to offer something of value to the company other than your presence at a blogging conference, etc.

Really what I learned is that a brand pitch is 2-way street in which neither party wants to be left feeling like they’re in a dead-end. Cultivating and creating these brand partnerships will open doors to other opportunities, so it’s essential to be professional, honest and realistic about expectations.

I don’t know if I will be pitching brands a lot, but I am thinking of creative ways that I may be able to work with brands/products I love and admire. I don’t get to blog nearly as often as I’d like, but I do feel that quality is better than quantity in these matters. Right?

Please feel free to add in your comments/suggestions/thoughts in the comments section! I’d love to start a dialogue about this topic because it’s something that many bloggers feel awkward in discussing or don’t know what to ask. Let’s help each other! :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I’m Back From Miami! {Hispanicize #Hispz12}


I still have not recuperated from all the amazing, fantastic people and information I learned while in Miami last week for Hispanicize. Living in a small town where people look at me funny when I say the word “blog”, it was an immense privilege to be surrounded by people like me. People who are constantly engaged in social media, taking photos and up for lots of drinking.

It’s common to go into these sorts of conferences/events and be nervous, but much like BlogHer 2011, I instantly made a group of BBF’s (best bloggy friends) and we were attached at the hip. Then there is that sad, melancholy feeling when you miss your BBF’s and think to yourself, “Last week I was on a yacht drinking and dancing with my friends. Today I am trying to decide which frozen dinner to eat.”

You know what I mean, right?

And I totally was dancing on a yacht last week. I’ve never been on a boat in my entire life, and thanks to the folks at McDonald’s I got to be on a yacht with an open bar. The views of Miami were out of this world gorgeous. Besides the BBF’s, the booze/food and being on a vacay of sorts, I was smitten with the Vive Mejor lounge. The overall event wasn’t too swagalicious, BUT the items I got from the Vive Mejor lounge have already transformed my frizzy curls into glamorous, silky curls. And Dove was also giving away samples of their new Clear Tone deodorant which makes your armpits even in skin tone. You might be thinking…do people really care about the color of their armpits?

Yes, yes we do. It’s one of 2 reasons I don’t wear sleeveless shirts. I don’t want my pits to show because I don’t like them. And the other reason is that I have chunky arms.


I am going to do a post about what I learned from the sessions (lots of great stuff from Ted Rubin and McDonald’s) and then I want to show you some beauty products that you need to buy ASAP that are all likely to be available at your local Walmart. Which means they’re affordable, deliver what they promise and are given the Monica Wants It seal of approval.

What else? Oh yes, I will have some updates on my bathroom renovation (there is progress!) and I hope to start working on some home décor tutorials that are sure to keep you busy over the summer. I must hit up the garage sales soon. Must.

For now, I leave you with some photos from my whirlwind trip to Miami. Enjoy.


Lynda (Hit The Road Jane) & Zelma (Yo Soy Mami)


Candy from Mommypalooza


My view from the McDonald’s #chillatsea Yacht Party

My run-in with Cesar Millan (The Dog Whisperer)


More BBF’s. Smile


Fabulous soiree over at Villa Vecchia sponsored by Bacardi & Cricket Wireless


Stars from the movie Scarface


Listening to the inspiring Emilio Estefan


My BBF’s with Cesar Millan and his lovely girlfriend


Stunning rooftop over at The Soho Beach House


So that’s what a beach is supposed to look like… Swoon.


Beautiful surroundings everywhere I looked.


And here’s me looking slightly tipsy and oh-so-happy in Miami.

I think I need another vacation.

If you were at Hispanicize (or even if you weren’t) and would love to connect with me, I am always available to help one another advance in this big, big online world. Seriously. If at anytime I can help any of you out there, please let me know.

To see more photos from my Miami trip, head on over to my Facebook album.

All photos taken with my Sony NEX-3 camera that I adore!

Friday, April 6, 2012

I’m Headed to Hispanicize! {Conferences #Hispz12}

Words cannot express how extremely grateful I am to get to go to Hispanicize in Miami next week. Mostly because I really hadn’t planned on going, but it appears that I was meant to go because everything fell into place.

With that being said, I must cue the song that I have been indulging in ever since I found I was going for sure last Friday:

Don’t judge.

This will be my second blogging conference, and as a blogger, of course I feel the need to write about it. Today’s post is all about tips for people attending Hispanicize/blogging conferences. Also included is what I am most excited about and what I am most nervous about. And then I get all mushy and thank people at the end. Sound like a plan?


My top 3 tips for people attending Hispanicize. Now I am not going to go into obvious things like pack comfortable shoes, rest, eat, sleep, etc. Those are a given. I’m going to tell you 3 things that I wish someone would have really hammered into my head before I went to BlogHer last year.


1.) I was at a training for work recently, and the speaker said something that really resonated with me: “You can only be known by what others know about you” How this relates to blogging is that you have to let people (i.e.:brands/bloggers/contacts) know what you and your blog are about and what you can offer them. Quickly. As in try to get it down to under 30 seconds; that may be all you have. At BlogHer this is known as the elevator pitch, but it really works no matter what. Furthermore, don’t be shy about what you do. For a long time I kept my blog a secret to those who are around me everyday, but again, you can only be know by what others KNOW about you. Let it be known exactly what you do that makes your blog yours.

Brag. Be succinct. Be prepared. Be you. Be proud.


2.) Write down information about the brands/PR reps you talk to on their business cards. Don’t do this as you’re talking to them, unless you’re jotting notes, but do try to get it done within 15 minutes of meeting them. I have a stack of business cards from BlogHer last year that all are identical, but with different names on them. Heck if I know which brand Jennifer or David worked for/were representing, although they both do work at the same PR agency. Yeah, no clue. I should have written down the brand they were with, what we talked about or something that would allow me to put a name to a face. Or at the very least a memory to a business card. Now, this issue isn’t so big for blogger business cards since they usually filled with relevant info like blog URL, Twitter handle, yada yada.


3.) Let it be known that you are attending the conference so you can find people to hang out with. For me, this whole Hispanicize thing is very sudden. I won a pass, asked for help, got the help and BAM I am going. After all that sunk in, I was thinking, “Oh my gosh. I am going to be all alone.” I am just not down with that, at all. So, I went to all my networks and groups to let them know I was going. And now? I have several girls who are looking forward to hanging out with me, and we’re going to have cupcakes and go on a Chevy Landmark tour and party it up. Together. You’ll feel so much less intimidated if you just find some people who you can connect with. Get cell phone numbers, put them into your phone and make sure to keep in touch with them.  A conference buddy is just a text away if you follow those steps. I am so looking forward to Carolyn being my BlogHer pal again this year. We truly bonded at BlogHer last year. She was the person I’d run around with or go to the room and chat with as we looked at all our swag. It’s amazing the friends you can make if you put yourself out there.

Now moving on to what I am most excited about at Hispanicize:


Image Credit: Monsters & Critics

1.) Cesar Millan. Not going to lie, I am hoping to stuff him in my carry on and bring him back with me to Texas so he can make Pee Wee stop licking his paws. I am totally joking and mean no harm to Cesar Millan. He is a doggy genius, and just to be in the same room with him is a dream come true. Much like meeting Bob from The Biggest Loser at BlogHer was last year. These conferences are great for meeting people you admire.


2.) Connecting with brands and other bloggers. When you get that many people in a gorgeous location with all the creative energy moving through the air…it’s bound to be amazing. I hope to meet people that can help me take my blog to the next level. And I want to meet other bloggers that can share tips and advice. Furthermore, I want to let loose and have so much fun.

3.) I look forward to all the events being put on by Hispanicize and their generous sponsors. I’ll be attending a yacht party by McDonald’s and a fun event by the Latina Mom Bloggers. Besides being able to have a fiesta, these events are great to have longer conversations, take lots of photos and make special memories you’ll cherish. And blog about.

And although I am not a total conference newbie, there are things that make me nervous about Hispanicize:

1.) I hope no one tests me on my Spanish skills. I totally understand it, I can read it, but speaking it…oh lord. I am a bit rusty on it. I do know the words margaritas, fiesta and siesta. Hope that doesn’t disqualify me at still being classified as a Latina! ;-)

2.) Miami humidity. Will straightening my hair prove to be a waste of time?

3.) Feeling like I know no one. Even though I know I will know people, it’s still a little intimidating, but I am sure I’ll have a lovely time.

And now I’d like to thank some very special people/companies for helping make this trip a reality:

Eva Smith & Zelma: They are awesomesauce. Eva helped me try to find a flight sponsor, and she answers all my dumb questions via DM. She is what Hispanicize is all about-- helping others succeed and feel included. Zelma is my conference buddy and a total sweetheart. So blessed to have them in my life. <3

I’d also like to thank the Clever Girls Collective for my free conference pass, Southwest Airlines & Hispanicize for the free airfare and Collective Bias’ Courtney Velasquez for letting me crash with her for 2 nights.

See you in Miami!

If you’d like to tweet with me, follow me @monicabenavidez and if you’d like to e-mail me you can do so at

To see what sessions I’ll be at during the conference, check out my schedule here.