Monday, September 14, 2009

Mary, no wait, Monica had a little lamb.

A long time ago, I purchased this heinous creation from Goodwill for $2. I’m sure whoever made it thought it was adorable, as did whoever bought it from them. I, however, bought this piece for it’s potential…which shall be revealed at the end.


My first step was to remove the lamb/sheep/white fluffy animal & the backing that held it in place.101_1119

Once I removed the back, I had to remove about 20+ staples to release the lamb from it’s tacky applique prison. I did save the backing to hold my new “thing” in place, and I am going to also reuse the lamb portion as well.


And here it is all disassembled.

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Next, I took the wooden part (sans dowel) outside to spray paint it a nice green (sageish) color. It’s by Krylon. I think it’s called leaf green. I am totally making that up, I must admit, because I am too lazy to get up and look at the name of the color. If you’re dying to know, leave me a comment.

Then somehow I didn’t take pictures of this next part, so bear with me. As I let the spray paint dry, I took a fat quarter I bought at Wal-Mart and cut it slightly bigger than the lamb thing. I used the lamb oval as a template, per se. The fat quarter was about $1.00 and I had MORE than enough fabric. They have lots of cute patterns, but for this project I chose a simple black/white dog print.

Finally, I assembled it all back together and hung it up.

But first, a story.

The whole reason I bought this item is because of a constant problem in our household.

The dog leash.

It never fails that it is 7:43 am on a Monday morning, and I am frantically trying to find Pee Wee’s dog leash to take him out to potty. Usually, this search happens in a frenzy since I need to leave for work at ohhh 7:47ish. Yeah, I plan ahead. Go me. I search everywhere. I mean everywhere. I do. I promise.

Then, I call Daniel who is usually at work or on his way.

Me: “Where’s Pee Wee’s dog leash?”

Daniel: “Wherever we last left it.”

Me: “Well, duh. You have no idea, really?”

Daniel: “Um, no Monica.”

Me: “You don’t love me!”

Daniel: “Monica, I gotta go.”

Me: “Are you cheating on me? DANIEL!”

Daniel: “Huh?”

Me: hangs up the phone

As you see, I completely go crazy. I then look over and see the leash on the kitchen table. I promise I totally did look there.

Point being, this could be avoided. My solution?


Ta-dah! It’s right by the door and easy to find/use. Isn’t it cute? It is! Not bad for about $4 total and about 20 minutes of time.

For the record, yes, that blue collar is Pee Wee’s Coach collar from the outlets. Also for the record, the faux Coach bag I have is totally a real Coach…in my head. Look, we’re on a budget people.